sf giants

sf giants
sf giants

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Big Hero 6 Movie Review

Hiro Hamada is a 14-year-old robotics genius who lives in the futuristic city of San Fransokyo, and spends his time participating in back-alley robot fights. His older brother, Tadashi, worried that Hiro is wasting his potential, takes him to the robotics lab at his university, where Hiro meets Tadashi's friends, GoGo Tomago, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred, as well as Baymax, a personal healthcare companion Tadashi created. Amazed, Hiro decides to apply to the school. He presents his project—microbots, swarms of tiny robots that can link together in any arrangement imaginable—at an annual exhibition to gain admission. Professor Callaghan, the head of the program, is impressed, and Hiro gets in. When a fire breaks out at the university, Tadashi rushes in to rescue Callaghan but the building explodes and both are killed. As a result of losing his brother, Hiro secludes himself from others.
One day, Hiro accidentally activates Baymax. Baymax follows one of Hiro's microbots to an abandoned warehouse, where he and Hiro discover that someone has been mass-producing Hiro's bots; they are attacked by a masked man called Yokai, who is controlling the bots. Realizing this man has stolen his project, Hiro decides to catch him and upgrades Baymax with armor and a battle chip containing various karate moves. After Yokai attacks Hiro, Baymax, GoGo, Wasabi, Honey, and Fred in a Mitsubishi Minica Toppo, the six form a superhero team.
The group discovers that a former lab of Krei Tech, a prestigious robotics company, was experimenting with teleportation technology. The test went awry when the human test pilot vanished inside an unstable portal. Yokai is revealed to be Professor Callaghan, who explains that he stole Hiro's bots and used them to escape the fire, but he did not had any guilt or regret about Tadashi's death. Realizing that Tadashi died in vain, Hiro angrily removes Baymax's healthcare chip, leaving him with only the battle chip, and orders him to kill Callaghan. Baymax loses all of his softness, and develops a threatening, evil aura. The team (other than Hiro) tries to stop Baymax with no success. Baymax almost kills Callaghan until Honey manages to insert the healthcare chip back in.
Angry at his friends, Hiro goes home but breaks down when Baymax asks him if killing Callaghan will make him feel better. To soften Hiro's loss, Baymax plays humorous clips of Tadashi's running tests on him during Baymax's development. Hiro realizes that killing Callaghan is not what Tadashi would have wanted and makes amends with his friends.
The group discovers that the test pilot was Callaghan's daughter Abigail; Callaghan is seeking revenge on Alistair Krei, the president of Krei Tech, whom he blames for her death. They save Krei and destroy the microbots, but the portal remains active. Baymax detects Abigail from inside the portal and he and Hiro rush in to save her. On their way out, Baymax's armor is damaged and he realizes the only way to save Hiro and Abigail is to propel them through with his rocket fist. Hiro refuses to leave him, but Baymax insists until Hiro tearfully gives in. Hiro and Abigail make it back, and Callaghan is arrested.
Sometime later, Hiro discovers Baymax's healthcare chip, which contains his entire personality, clenched in his rocket fist. Delighted, Hiro rebuilds Baymax and they happily reunite. The six friends continue their exploits through the city, staying unknown, and fulfilling Tadashi's dream of helping those in need.
During the end credits, it is shown through newspaper headlines that Hiro has been awarded a grant from the university and a building is dedicated to Tadashi. In a post-credits scene, Fred accidentally opens a secret door in his family mansion and finds superhero gear inside. His father, who turns out to be Stan Lee, arrives and embraces him, stating that they have a lot to talk about.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Planes 2: Fire & Rescue Review

Since winning the Wings Around the Globe race, Dusty Crophopper has a successful career as a racer. Unfortunately, his engine's gearbox becomes damaged due to being regularly forced over its limits. With that particular model of gearbox now out of production and none available anywhere, Dusty's mechanic Dottie fits a warning light to his control panel to ensure he doesn't damage his gearbox any further. No longer able to race and faced with the possibility of returning to his old job as a crop-duster, Dusty goes on a defiant flight and tests his limits. In doing so, Dusty exceeds his limits and makes a forced landing at Propwash Junction airport, causing a fire.
The residents put out the fire with some difficulty, but the accident leads for government inspector Ryker to condemnthe airport due to inadequate firefighting personnel. Aggrieved at his carelessness, Dusty offers to undergo training to be certified as a firefighter to meet the necessary regulations to reopen the airport. To that end, Dusty travels to Piston Peak National Park where he meets a fire and rescue crew under the command of a helicopter named Blade Ranger. The leader of an efficient unit, Blade is initially unimpressed by the small newcomer and Dusty's training proves to be a difficult challenge.
Maru, the team's mechanic, replaces Dusty's original undercarriage with two pontoons fitted with retractable undercarriage wheels for his new role as a firefighter. During training, Dusty learns that Blade was formerly an actor who played a police helicopter on the TV series CHoPs. Later, Dusty is devastated by a call from his friends at Propwash Junction noting that all attempts at finding a replacement gearbox have failed and that his racing career is over.
Lightning in a thunderstorm over a forest near Piston Peak starts several spot fires which unite into a serious forest fire, and the team fight it and seem to have extinguished it. But during the grand reopening of a local lodge, visitingVIPs fly too low and make air eddies which blow embers about, creating a larger fire.
A depressed Dusty's education falters to Blade's frustration and things come to a head when Dusty makes a forced landing in a river during a fire dispatch and is swept through the rapids with Blade trying to extract him. Eventually, the pair make it to land, and Dusty confesses his physical disability, to which Blade advises Dusty not to give up. They shelter in an abandoned mine while a fire passes. The situation is complicated in that Blade also is damaged, from protecting Dusty in the fire, and is temporarily grounded for repairs. While Blade is recuperating, Dusty learns that Blade's co-star from CHoPs was killed during a stunt gone wrong on set that Blade was helpless to stop, so he decided to become a firefighter to save lives for real.
The national park's superintendent, Cad Spinner, selfishly diverts all the water supply to his lodge's roof sprinklers to prevent the lodge from burning, and so prevents the firefighters from making fire retardant for their own duties. With only their pre-existing tank loads, the firefighters manage to help the evacuees escape the fire while Dusty is alerted that two elderly campers are trapped on a burning bridge deep in the fire zone. He races to the scene and is forced to push his engine to the maximum to climb vertically up a waterfall to refill his water tanks to drop water to save the campers, as the only other surface water near is a river too shallow and twisty and rocky for him to scoop from. Meanwhile, Blade shows up and assists the campers. Dusty successfully drops water and extinguishes the fire, but his overstressed gearbox fails completely and his engine stalls. He tries to glide through the trees to make a safe landing, but one of his pontoons hits one of the trees and he crashes.
Unconscious, Dusty is airlifted back to base where he wakes up five days late to learn that not only has his structure been fully repaired; Maru has built a superior, custom-refurbished gearbox for his engine to allow full performance once again. Impressed at Dusty's skill and heroism, Blade certifies him as a firefighter. Propwash Junction is reopened with Dusty assuming his duty as a firefighter, celebrated with an aerial show with his new colleagues from Piston Peak.
During the end credits, it is shown that Cad's misconduct resulted in him being demoted and reassigned as a park ranger in Death Valley.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Muppets Most Wanted Review

Immediately following the events of their last film, the Muppets find themselves at a loss as to what to do for their sequel. They are approached by Dominic Badguy, who offers to manage the group and schedule a European tour. Meanwhile, the criminal mastermind Constantine, a near-exact double for Kermit the Frog in appearance, escapes from a Siberian Gulag and joins his subordinate Badguy to begin a plot to steal the Crown Jewels of England.
Once the Muppets arrive in Berlin, Badguy secures them a show at a prestigious venue. Kermit, frustrated with the troupe's ludicrous requests and Miss Piggy's insistent hints at marriage, goes for a walk at Badguy's suggestion. Constantine ambushes him and glues a fake mole onto his cheek, matching Constantine's own, then slips away; the locals mistakenly identify Kermit as the criminal, and he is arrested and sent to the Gulag. Constantine takes Kermit's place, raising the suspicions of no one except Animal, and he and Badguy steal several paintings from a museum during the show. The next morning, Interpol agent Jean Pierre Napoleon and CIA agent Sam Eagle grudgingly team up to apprehend the culprit, whom Napoleon believes to be his nemesis, "The Lemur" - the number-two criminal in the world.
Following instructions hidden behind one of the stolen paintings, Constantine and Badguy divert the tour to Madrid. Constantine informs the Muppets they can perform any act they wish, much to Walter's puzzlement. During this show, Constantine and Badguy break into a museum and destroy a roomful of busts to find a key needed for their plan. Even though the performance is a disaster, the Muppets receive critical acclaim. Sam and Napoleon deduce that the connection between the crimes is the Muppet tour, and the pair interrogate the Muppets with little success. The instructions on the stolen key lead Constantine and Badguy to schedule the next show in Dublin, Ireland.
In Dublin, Walter discovers that Badguy has been giving away show tickets and bribing critics to ensure a packed house and rave reviews, and Fozzie Bear notices the resemblance between Kermit and Constantine. The two realize that Constantine has taken Kermit's place and brought in Badguy as his accomplice. Constantine attacks Walter and Fozzie, but Animal fends him off and the three escape from the train so they can rescue Kermit. During the Dublin performance, Badguy steals a locket from a museum and Constantine proposes to Miss Piggy onstage; she accepts, and the pair plan a ceremony to be held at the Tower of London, where the Crown Jewels are kept.
Meanwhile, Kermit has been making numerous attempts to escape from the Gulag, each one thwarted by prison guard Nadya. Aware of his true identity and obsessed with him, Nadya orders Kermit to help organize the prisoners' annual talent show. Fozzie, Walter, and Animal reach the Gulag on the night of the performance, and Kermit uses it as a front to allow them, himself, and all the prisoners to escape.
The four Muppets infiltrate the Tower as the wedding begins, and Badguy (with the help of Bobby Benson's Baby Band) uses the stolen key and locket to disable the security system protecting the jewels and steals them. Kermit interrupts the ceremony, revealing Constantine's true identity, but the criminal takes Piggy hostage and flees to a waiting helicopter. He is intercepted by Badguy - actually the Lemur and now dressed in a lemur costume - who intends to double-cross Constantine and keep the jewels for himself. Constantine ejects him from the helicopter and tries to take off with Piggy, but Kermit jumps aboard and the rest of the Muppets climb atop each other to stop the escape. Kermit and Piggy knock Constantine out and both criminals are arrested.
Nadya arrives in London to arrest Kermit. The other Muppets tell her that if she arrests him, she will have to take all of them as well. She lets the Muppets complete their tour, and they perform at the Gulag with Constantine and the prisoners participating.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Elevate Alabang Presents "The Gift" A New Series Premieres November 29!!!!! =)

Elevate Alabang Proudly Presents A New Series "The Gift", Premieres November 29, 2014, 3pm & 5pm, at CCF Center Alabang.

See ya there amigos & God bless!!!!!  :D

Monday, November 24, 2014

Guardians Of The Galaxy Movie Review

The film is comfortable in its own skin as it promptly establishes the tone with an emotional opening immediately followed by a hilarious action packed scene with Chris Pratt donning that amazing Sandman looking mask and kicking alien ass. Although at times it did feel like the pauses taken for comedic banter interrupted the flow of the film, the humor is overall very well used and appeals to both littles and adults alike. Aside from the witty Whedonisms that made The Avengers so LOL in theaters, it feels like it has been a while since another Marvel film has made an audience collectively laugh so much.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

I Really Love McDo!!!!!!

I really love MCDO!!!!!   Here's The Trivia:

1. McDo Philippines is loved by all filipinos.

2. McDo was mentioned in various commercial tv ads here in the Philippines!   :)

3. McDo Happy Meal here in the Philippines was launched in 1997.

4. McDo Longganisa Meal was also launched only in the Philippines around 2000's.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ayala Alabang Village Trivia......I Love Ayala Alabang Village!!!!! =)

hey amigos!   :)  i have a trivia of Ayala Alabang Village in Alabang, Muntinlupa City.

Here's the trivia of Ayala Alabang Village.

1. Ayala Alabang Village was featured in a comedy movie "Alabang Girls" by VIVA Films in 1991.

2. St. James Alabang Bazaar Yearly Event in Ayala Alabang was featured on ABS-CBN 2's Bandila & TV Patrol & also featured on GMA 7's 24 Oras & Saksi.

3. Ayala Alabang Village is also known as the largest private residential village in the south of metro manila, it's similar to Valle Verde Village in Pasig City & Dasmarinas Village in Makati City.

Friday, November 21, 2014

PMPC Star Awards For TV Trivia

I'm a solid fan of PMPC Star Awards For TV.   Here are the following years past winners of PMPC Star Awards For TV from 1987 to present.

Most Best Station Wins In PMPC Star Awards For TV:

(1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995*, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008 & 2013*)

*tied with ABS-CBN 2

PMPC Star Awards For TV Programs Hall Of Fame Winners:

Eat Bulaga (2011)
Maalaala Mo Kaya (2011)
Bubble Gang (2014)

PMPC Star Awards For TV Hosts Hall Of Famer:

Boy Abunda - Best Male Showbiz Oriented Show Host For "The Buzz" 
(1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010)

Soon To Be Hall Of Famers:

ASAP (Will Be Awarded As Best Musical Variety Show In 2015)

i-Witness  (Will Be Awarded As Best Documentary Program In 2018)

The Buzz (Will Be Awarded As Best Showbiz Oriented Talk Program In 2016 or 2017)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Favorite PBA Team Is San Miguel Beermen =)

San Miguel Beermen Is Back Again On PBA!!!!!   =)

San Miguel Beermen is the winniest PBA Franchise.   =)

The Best talaga ang San Miguel Beermen!!!!!  =)

Go San Miguel Beermen!!!!!!

My All Time Favorite PBA Team!!!!!!   =)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Crissie-Rej Wedding.....Exactly 1 Year Ago This Year. =)


 (Former Weds Crissie & Rej Wedding at St.James The Great Parish Alabang in November 2013, Original Photo By: Kuya Marc of Kuya Marc Digital Photography, Inc., Copyright 2013 by Kuya Marc Digital Photography)


Exactly 1 Year after their marriage of my newest favorite cousin Crissie Balotro tied-the-knot to Rej Torres in a wedding church at St. James The Apostle Church in Alabang, Muntilupa City.  The wedding venue was held at the Grand Ballroom of the Crimson Hotel Manila also in Alabang.  Also attended and the only celebrity politician was Mayor Jaime Fresnedi of Muntilupa City.



(P) 2013 Kuya Marc Digital Photography, Inc.
(C) 2014 Kuya Marc Multimedia, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Manila, Philippines

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My Christmas Wishlists For December 2014

My very own christmas wishlists for December 2014:

Rocket Racoon Funko Pop

Groot Funko Pop

John Cena Funko Pop

Rey Mysterio Funko Pop

Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Rock Funko Pop

Friday, November 14, 2014

My Best Animated Movies Yo! =)

Penguins Of Madagascar Movie (2014)

Planes (2013)

Hercules (Disney, 1997)

The 3 Musketeers Animated (Disney, 2003)

Shrek (2004)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Everybody Loves Goofy.....My All Time Favorite Disney Short Comedy Cartoons Movie Yo! =)

I looooove Goofy!!!!!  :)  I also love his short cartoon comedy shorts in Disney's Everybody Love's Goofy!!!!!   :)  This awesome DVD (VCD Locally in Asia & also available here in the Philippines) features various Goofy Comedy Animated Shorts around the world.  Amazingly, the DVD of Goofy is the best but also aside from the DVD's of Mickey & DVD's of Donald.   Of course Mickey & Donald are also my idols too.   :)

The Funny DVD "Everybody Love's Goofy" is still available worldwide on DVD & Blu-Ray, and of course still available on both DVD, VCD & Blu-Ray in Asia & the Philippines.

Also available....."Everybody Loves Mickey" & "Everybody Loves Donald" DVD, VCD & Blu-Ray.  :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Starbucks Philippines Brings Back 2015 Starbucks Philippines Planner. =)

(Photo Courtesy Of Starbucks Philippines)

Starbucks Philippines brings back 2015 Starbucks Philippines Planner.  Astig!!!!!  I Love Starbucks Planner Yo!   :)  I Also Loooove Starbucks Philippines Too!!!!!

Thank You Starbucks Philippines for another promo of Starbucks Philippines 2015 Planner.   :)  More power and more new stuffs and new promos to come Starbucks Philippines

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Top 10 Favorite Travel Cities I Want To Visit!!!!!! :D

Here are my Top 10 Favorite Travel City:

1. San Francisco - Golden Gate, AT&T Park (Home of San Francisco Giants.....Go SF Giants, Bay Bridge, Palace Of Fine Arts (Meron Ba Nun?!?!....Hehe), Ripley's Believe It Or Not? Museum, 

2. Los Angeles - Staples Center (Home of LA Lakers & LA Clippers), Mann's Chinese Theatre, Hollywood Walk Of Fame, Disneyland, Universal Studios Hollywood, Hollywood Sign Mountain (View Only....Hehe!)

3. New York - 9/11 Memorial, Yankees Stadium (Home of New York Yankees), NBA Store, Manhattan Bridge, Hudson River, Central Park, MTV Store, Times Square, 

4. Manila (My Hometown.....I Love Manila!) - Luneta Park, Intramuros, Boni High Street Mall (Taguig), Glorietta Mall (Makati), Greenbelt Mall (Makati), SM Mall Of Asia (Pasig), Alabang Town Center (Alabang, Muntinlupa), SM BF Paranaque (Sucat, Paranaque), 

5. Jakarta - Any Place In Jakarta

Monday, November 10, 2014

I Loooooove Goofy 'Coz He's My Idol!!!!! =)

Idol Kita Goofy!!!!!   You're The Best Goofy & also The best Disney Character & also the funniest Disney Character.....of course walang iba kung si Goofy kasi funniest and cuddliest and pinaka-friendliest Disney Character e!!!!!   :D

Sunday, November 9, 2014

My Favorite Funko Pops

My All Time Favorite Funko Pops:



The Beatles

Bart Simpson

Slimer (Ghost Busters)

Iron Man




Michael Jackson

My upcoming Funko Pop Toys

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014

James Reid On The New November 2014 Issue Of Men's Health Philippines Magazine, Now Available!!!!!

Hitting the stands this week is our November 2014 issue with actor James Reid on the cover! Reid shares in our cover story his tips on how to survive life's unexpected turns. Also, our month's must reads will show you How to: Be funnier, Take Care of Your Car Better, Swap Fat for Muscle, Snag a Date on Tinder, and Conquer Fear. 

Plus, we've got MH Woman Joyce Pring who sizzles in our pages and tips on how to navigate through busy gyms! Our issue is out in the coming days at news stands. Soon you can also download our digital edition.