sf giants

sf giants
sf giants

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

i need a praise & worship rock band =)

"My heart, O God, is steadfast,  my heart is steadfast;  I will sing and make music."  PSALM 57:7

hi christian friends, amigos, do you love to play an instruments for JESUS?  Here's the one to become a part of the Praise & Worship Team.   I need the following instrumentalists?

Vocals (2 Males & 1 Females)
Back-Up Vocals (3 Males & 4 Females)

                                                       Keyboards (Female Only)

                                                Lead Guitars (Male or Female)

Back-up Guitars (Male or Female)

                                                    Drums (Male or Female)
Ukulele Guitar (Male or Female)
Percussionists (Male Only)
Hip Hop Dancers (Unisex)

Also i need a photographers & lay-out photoshop artists.

Photographers (1 Male & 1 Female)
Lay-out Photoshop Artists (1 Male & 1 Female)
Powerpoint Projectionists (1 Male & 1 Female)

Auditions will be held every 1st & 2nd Saturdays @ 4 to 6 pm, the venue will be announced later.   :)


(C) 2014 Kuya Marc Multimedia  All Rights Reserved   Manila, Philippines

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